of the Flies Study Guide
Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell
1) What do the boys discover in their exploration of the
island? To what use do they put it?
2) How is the division of labor arranged?
3) What takes place when Jack, Ralph & Simon find a piglet
caught in the brush?
Chapter 2: Fire on
the Mountain
4) What rule does Ralph lay down at the first assembly?
5) What does Ralph tell the boys they must do to facilitate
6) What happens with the fire?
Chapter 3: Huts on
the Beach
7) What conflict arises between Jack and Ralph?
8) Why is Ralph so worried about the ‘littluns’?
9) What is revealed about Simon in this chapter?
Chapter 4: Painted
Faces and Long Hair
10) Why does Roger stop short of actually hitting Henry with the
11) Why doesn’t the passing ship realize there is someone on the
12) Describe the confrontation between Jack and Piggy.
Chapter 5: Beast From
13) Why does Ralph call the meeting in this chapter?
14) For what does Ralph scold the boys? In what ways are they forgetting the rules?
Chapter 6: Beast From
15) Why are SamnEric so frightened when they are tending the fire?
16) Describe the confrontation which takes place between Ralph and
17) Why does Ralph become angry with Jack and his followers?
Chapter 7: Shadows
and Tall Trees
18) How does Ralph react to the first hunt in which he
19) What game do the boys play after the hunt?
20) Who climbs the mountain to see the beast?
Chapter 8: Gift for
the Darkness
21) Who blows the conch for the assembly? Why?
22) How do the rest of the boys react to the suggestion that Jack
replace Ralph as leader?
23) What did the hunters do with the head of their kill?
Chapter 9: A View to
a Death
24) Where does Simon go after he leaves “the lord of the flies?”
25) Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to attend Jack’s feast?
26) What tragic mistake is made in the middle of the savage frenzy?
Chapter 10: The Shell
and the Glasses
27) Who are the only ‘biguns’ who have remained with Ralph?
28) How does Jack deal with those who disobey his wishes?
29) How does Jack explain Simon’s death to the boys who are with
30) Why do Jack’s boys attack Ralph?
Chapter 11: Castle
31) Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to go to Jack’s fort?
32) Who is responsible for Piggy’s death?
33) How does Jack react to Piggy’s death?
Chapter 12: Cry of
the Hunters
34) Where does Ralph go after Piggy’s death & the twins
35) Where does Ralph get his weapons?
36) How are SamnEric treated by Jack and his boys?
37) Who discovered Ralph’s hiding place?
38) How is Ralph saved at the last possible moment?
39) Explain the irony of the fact that the naval ship was signaled
to the island by the fire meant to smoke R Ralph out.