Monday, April 29, 2013

Periods 3 and 12: LOTF Study Guide Questions

   Lord of the Flies Study Guide

  Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell
  1) What do the boys discover in their exploration of the island?  To what use do they put it?
  2) How is the division of labor arranged?
  3) What takes place when Jack, Ralph & Simon find a piglet caught in the brush?

  Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain
  4) What rule does Ralph lay down at the first assembly?
  5) What does Ralph tell the boys they must do to facilitate rescue?
  6) What happens with the fire?

  Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach
  7) What conflict arises between Jack and Ralph?
  8) Why is Ralph so worried about the ‘littluns’?
  9) What is revealed about Simon in this chapter?

  Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair
  10) Why does Roger stop short of actually hitting Henry with the stones?
  11) Why doesn’t the passing ship realize there is someone on the island?
  12) Describe the confrontation between Jack and Piggy.
  Chapter 5: Beast From Water  
  13) Why does Ralph call the meeting in this chapter?
  14) For what does Ralph scold the boys?   In what ways are they forgetting the rules?
  Chapter 6: Beast From Air
  15) Why are SamnEric so frightened when they are tending the fire?
  16) Describe the confrontation which takes place between Ralph and Jack.
  17) Why does Ralph become angry with Jack and his followers?

  Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees
  18) How does Ralph react to the first hunt in which he participates?
  19) What game do the boys play after the hunt?
  20) Who climbs the mountain to see the beast?

  Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness
  21) Who blows the conch for the assembly?  Why?
  22) How do the rest of the boys react to the suggestion that Jack replace Ralph as leader?
  23) What did the hunters do with the head of their kill?
  Chapter 9: A View to a Death
  24) Where does Simon go after he leaves “the lord of the flies?”
  25) Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to attend Jack’s feast?
  26) What tragic mistake is made in the middle of the savage frenzy?
  Chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses
  27) Who are the only ‘biguns’ who have remained with Ralph?
  28) How does Jack deal with those who disobey his wishes?
  29) How does Jack explain Simon’s death to the boys who are with him?
  30) Why do Jack’s boys attack Ralph?

  Chapter 11: Castle Rock
  31) Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to go to Jack’s fort?
  32) Who is responsible for Piggy’s death?
  33) How does Jack react to Piggy’s death?
  Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters
  34) Where does Ralph go after Piggy’s death & the twins ‘capture?’
  35) Where does Ralph get his weapons?
  36) How are SamnEric treated by Jack and his boys? 
  37) Who discovered Ralph’s hiding place?
  38) How is Ralph saved at the last possible moment?
  39) Explain the irony of the fact that the naval ship was signaled to the island by the fire meant to smoke    R  Ralph out.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Period 2 Brodie Set Page Numbers

Brodie Set

The following pages contain direct/indirect characterizations of the Brodie Set.  Select two characters and identify the lines from each page that reveal character

Mary MacGregor:

22, 23, 24, 73, 130, 171

Monica Douglas:

11, 75-77, 171, 177-78, 186

Rose Stanley

12, 42, 81, 103-04, 113, 157, 160-63

Eunice Gardner

12, 34, 39-43, 87, 91-2, 148-49, 184, 186

Sandy Stranger

12, 25, 37, 45-6, 60, 106, 113, 160

Jenny Gray

13, 60, 98-100, 103, 184-85

Friday, March 15, 2013

What is Beauty?

The Romantic Period is defined as a time of cultivated individualism, a belief that imagination is superior to reason, a fascination with youth and innocence, and a devotion to celebrating beauty and its truth.

In addition to our class work, read Lord Byron's poem, She Walks in Beauty; carefully consider its words and phrases and in a sentence or two, identify how the speaker defines beauty in order to organize your thoughts and begin brainstorming a working definition of beauty.

Assignment: What is beauty?  Think like a Romantic poet and in an organized, structured response, compose a defintion of beauty that accurately reflects its reality.  In this definition, reference the values and ideals of the Romantic Period, how you assigned value to the images you rated in class, Cameron Russell's TED talk on how images create and manipulate beauty, and Lord Byron's poem to support your definition.

Extra Credit: Make a collage of images that reflect your ideal of beauty to accompany your definition essay.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pd. 6/7 Quiz Re-take

As Simple As Snow Quiz

1.  What was the name of the narrator’s sister that died?
2.  What line of business is Carl in?
3.  What is “As Simple As Snow” and who inspired that phrase?
4.  What happened to Anna’s sister, Marie?
5.  What is Anna doing when the narrator finds her
after her snow-sled crash?
6.  Where do Paul, Claire, Anna, and the narrator go at Christmas?
7.  What was the name of the narrator’s first girlfriend?
8.  How does Anna supposedly die?
9. Describe the narrator’s Halloween costume.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Period 6/7: As Simple As Snow Reading Schedule

Reading Schedule:

The following chapters are due Friday, January 25th:

i don't want to bore you, but...
1 october
4 october

The following chapters are due Monday, January 28th:

the house of cayne
parents, idiots, and incompetents
my heart, previously

The following chapters are due Wednesday, January 30th:
the basement
milk shake
get drunk
carl is dead

The following chapters are due Thursday, February 7th:
disc one
disc two
new year's eve
journal entry

The following chapters are due Monday, February 11th:

7 february
grief can really...
4 ever
m a p
more mail

The following chapters are due Thursday, February 14th:

valentine's day
a step away from them
the channel

The following chapters are due Monday, February 18th:

hay in a stack of needles
then carl
the difficultly of forgetting
waiting for a whale

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Due Date: First Mode of Expression

Periods 2, 4, and 6/7: First rough draft is due on Friday 25th

Periods 3 and 12: First rough draft is due on Monday 28th

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ideas for Genre Sources

Below is a list of genre sources to consider.  Each description details the source itself and how you can replicate it as your Creative Original or Parenthetical Original requirement. 
Literary Source
This is the easiest source to gather because for your class, it’s The Thirteenth Tale.
Advice columns
Examine one(s) found in magazines(s) or newspaper(s) as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original.  An advice column features a letter from a reader who needs advice or help and a response from the columnist whose expertise allows him or her to sincerely give this help. You should consult a real column in a newspaper to see how you could format yours.
Campaign speech
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original.  If you create one, remember that politicians who are running for office give speeches that they hope will get them elected. These speeches usually include the person's views on important issues as well as statements that they hope will help voters understand what kind of people they are.
Map w/ legend
Examine a map as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. Your map should be hand made to represent the "geography" of your concept. Make a legend to help the reader understand your map. Look at a highway map for an example, but also, try to find old maps to see their artistry. You can model your map after either kind.
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. Create a collage of images that represent the key ideas you are representing. The collage can include words and phrases to reinforce ideas.  
Diary Entry
Examine a diary entry as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A personal diary is a daily journal, a recording of the significant moments of the day. It begins with the date. Some diary writers begin, "Dear Diary," but that's not a rule. Since a diary is meant to be personal, it often reveals feelings and thoughts that people tend to keep private. You should include diary entries for several days. This genre is a good way to show a process over time.
Examine or conduct one for use as a primary source.  Determine appropriate questions to ask an interviewee by following this guideline:  First, get the facts.  Next, ask your interviewee to clarify what has been said.  (What do you mean by...?)  Then the interviewer is supposed to verify information given, provide any follow-up questions, and provide closure to the discussion. Interview either two different people on the same subject in order to draw a conclusion or interview the same person on the same subject at two separate times to see if their answers vary.
Personal Essay
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. Most personal essays fall into one of three styles: an amusing commentary, a description of an event whose consequences are emotionally charged or easy to relate to, and finally, a personal point of view about something serious. The common elements that personal commentaries share are that they reveal something about the author and they have a single, central theme.
Examine as a primary source or take your own for use as part of a Creative Original work. Please do not include heirloom photography or pictures from your parents’ albums/collections.  Instead, please photocopy, scan, or print the picture in order to avoid losing or ruining the original.  If it is a picture from your own collection, please think carefully before submitting an original, as I can not guarantee its return.
Examine a magazine article as a primary source or create a one page advertisement like you'd see in a magazine. You want to get your reader's attention, demonstrate the need for what you are selling, and show how your product/service will satisfy that need. Study professional ads to see how these goals are accomplished and use those examples as your models.
CD cover
Examine a CD cover as a primary source or create art work for the front of one as a Creative Original. If you create, include the name of the band and the title of the CD. Then, on another "square," include your list of song titles. CDs generally have between 10-13 songs. Finally, include the lyrics to one song or liner notes. Liner notes are notes about the making of the CD, the experiences of the band, or other informative details that would be of interest to the listener. See a real CD or album for a model of how yours might look.
Post card
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A post card must have three parts. On the front is the picture and a greeting, such as "Hello from Ontario," or "Wish you were skiing with us." On the back is the address and the stamp is to the right and the message is to the left. People generally write in small print on postcards to let them say everything they want to say or they may write brief ideas. Be sure that each word in your message counts or means something.
Grocery list
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. We can tell a lot about people, sometimes, by what they buy at the store. For example, someone who never buys any fresh fruits or vegetables may not be eating healthy, well balanced meals. This list can also extend beyond the grocery store to a different store or a list of things to do. Your list should reflect some aspect of a person's preferences or habits. You should include a title at the top, such as "groceries," or "camping supplies," or "what to pack." You must have at least 20 items on your list.
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order

A Memory
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A memory is similar to a monologue in that it is the reflection of one speaker. To write a memory is to single out an important event from the past and recall its details (who, what, when, and where) and to write also about why the memory is important. How did the event change the person (speaker, narrator) or why does it still come to mind? Why was this event important? Memories are written in first person point of view and should be full of details that make the event seem true to life. Your reader should be able to visualize the event, almost as if he or she were there.
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. Create a graph or chart in Excel or on paper. Make sure that the graph or chart is complete with details, numbers, percents, etc. The graph or chart should be able to be read without additional explanation. See other charts or graphs in textbooks, newspapers, or magazines to use as examples. Add a paragraph explaining the data, if you need it.
One act play
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A one act play introduces characters in a conflict that is resolved in one act. Before writing your own, read a one act play to give you an idea of how to proceed. The play must be written using the typical conventions of a play or drama.
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. We hear announcements each day in school. There are also announcements in church or before a meeting. Announcements alert people to important events that are coming up. Create an announcement that gives critical information about an upcoming event: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Top the announcement with an attention-getting label, such as "Attention all athletes," or "important information for all drivers."
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. Write lyrics to a song or ballad (a song that tells a story). You should have several verses. Think of the main ideas you want the song to express. Remember that songs are to be sung, so think of that as you compose. If you're really adventurous, record your song and make your genre an audio file. Look at the structures of some of your favorite songs to use for examples.
Eyewitness account/Interview
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. When important events happen, someone is generally there to see it happen. An eyewitness is asked to give details about exactly what happened, when it happened and how it happened. The eyewitness would provide specific, concrete details like colors, sizes, distances, times, etc. that make the account as factual as possible. While not everyone sees an event in the exact same way, eyewitness accounts help us put the event into perspective. The account could be prompted by a reporter's or a police officer's questions.
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. An illustration is a drawing that illustrates a concept or an idea. It is often accompanied by labels or margin notes to explain aspects of the drawing. An illustration is often done in ink on white paper and is detailed. Think of how a scientist illustrates the process of cell reproduction or how a naturalist illustrates the stages maples trees go through during the four seasons.
Work of Art
Examine one as a primary source or create one as a Creative Original. A work of art can be incorporated as a primary source by including a picture of the work found in a book, online, or taken in person.  You can create your own work of art if you are an artist and it can take the form of print work, painting, sketching, drawing, sculpture, etc.

Multigenre Research Modes of Expression

·       Creative Original: A Creative Original work is one that is inspired by your sources but does not contain any part(s) of your original source(s).  It follows the form of the source, but its content is original.  It does not include citations and its creation is credited to you alone.
Ex: A Creative Original could be a poem that you wrote, a personal essay, a short story, a brochure, an advice column, a work of art, a collage, etc.
·       Parenthetical Creative Original: A Parenthetical Creative Original work is one that is inspired by your sources and contains part(s) or your original source(s).  It is your creative original work supported with evidence from the source(s) and includes parenthetical citations.
Ex: A Parenthetical Creative Original could be a poem, short story, personal essay, advice column, letter, diary entry, song lyrics, etc. that includes supporting evidence in the form of direct quotes from a primary source(s)
·       Visual Primary Analytical: A Visual Primary Analytical work is one that focuses on studying the details of a primary source in order to draw conclusions about that source alone. 
Ex: After looking at a photograph of your grandparents and considering their body language, you make an assumption about their relationship, citing details from the photograph as supporting evidence.
·       Textual Primary Analytical: A Textual Primary Analytical work is one that focuses on studying the written details of a primary source in order to draw conclusions about that source alone. 
Ex: After reading an entry from your grandmother’s diary, you make an assumption about your grandparent’s relationship, citing direct details from the entry as supporting evidence.
·       Visual Primary Comparative: A Visual Primary Comparative work is one that focuses on comparing the details of two or more visual primary sources in order to draw a conclusion about your topic. 
Ex: After looking at three different photographs - one each of your maternal    grandparents, paternal grandparents and your parents -  you arrive at the conclusion that of the three couples, your parent’s relationship is the most natural and authentic, citing details from the three photographs as supporting evidence.
·       Textual Primary Comparative: A Textual Primary Comparative work is one that focuses on studying the written details of multiple primary sources in order to draw conclusions about your topic. 
Ex: After reading an entry each from your maternal grandmother’s diary, a letter written to your paternal grandmother from your paternal grandfather, and a note written to your dad from your mom, you think it is clear that your parents married for love and not obligation. You write this up using direct quotes from each source to support your conclusion.
·       Secondary Extension: A Secondary Extension is research that grows out of your primary exploration and answer questions that arose during your research by providing expert support or clarification in the form of a footnote.
Ex: During an interview with your mother, she mentions that she met your father a week after her 22nd birthday, while watching the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform at the first Lalapalooza concert. Later in the interview she mentions that she was born in 1953, making her currently 56 years old.  You find it hard to believe that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were performing back in 1975, so you Google the date of that concert and discover it was held in 1991.  Your Secondary Extension clarifies the information presented in this interview in the form of a footnote that cites information from the secondary Google source.

Multigenre Project Instructions

Multigenre Research Project Instructions

  Choose a topic and develop an essential question
  Explore that essential question from a multitude of angles by analyzing textual, audio, media and visual (stagnant, concrete) sources from a variety of genres in order to determine what each reveals about your topic
  Write in a variety of modes to demonstrate ability to write meaningfully in different forms for a variety of purposes and readers.

Step 1: Gather 10 genre sources; your final project must explore a minimum of 6 genres. You are required to include a literary genre, a visual genre (work of art, photograph, architecture, etc), a media genre (film, website, Facebook, etc), and an audio genre (podcast, interview, song). 
Each required genre is worth 5 points, for a total of 20 points. 

Step 2: Your project will begin with a Statement of Purpose that explains how your project topic evolved from the course studies. This must be typed and double spaced, organized by paragraphs, and include what inspired you to choose your topic. The rough draft is worth 10 points, final draft is worth 15 points.
Step 3: You will explore your six genres in six separate writings; each is worth 20 points.  You are required to include the 4 following modes of writing at least once:
·       A Creative Original
·       A Parenthetical Original
·       A Visual or Textual  Primary Analytical
·       A Visual or Textual Primary Comparative
Each genre piece must include the following:
·       A Secondary Extension (a version of traditional footnotes)
 Step 4: All parts MUST be labeled with the appropriate mode.  Each part of the project is worth 20 points; failure to label the mode of each part of your project will result in the automatic deduction of 3 points, per unlabeled mode.
Step 5: Your project will end with a one page, typed and double spaced Statement of Discovery that must be organized into paragraphs.  This statement will trace the discoveries you made from the beginning until the end of the project and will draw a conclusion regarding your topic.  This Statement of Discovery is worth 15 points.
Step 6: Works Consulted, 10 points.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Found Poem Instructions

Found Poem: An exercise in looking beyond the “given” to make new discoveries

Step 1

Find a passage, not a poem or a set of song lyrics, that is approximately a hundred words in length.  It may come from one source or it could be a combination of sources.  Make sure the passage is interesting and employs interesting word choices and images.  You can use the internet to locate these passages or use sources such as advertisements, obituaries, letters, diary entries, news articles, junk mail, etc.

Step 2

Copy the passage TWICE into Microsoft Word.  SINGLE space the first passage, DOUBLE space the second one.

Step 3

Study the words you found.  Eliminate words that are dull, unnecessary, etc.  Your goal is to edit the original 100 words down to 50 words.  Feel free to change punctuation, however YOU MAY NOT ADD ANY WORDS at this point. 

Step 4
When you get your original 100 words down to 50 words,
REMOVE ANOTHER TEN, for a total of 40(ish) words.

Step 5

Read your edited draft one more time.  Study the remaining words and arrange them into a poem.

-         Consider how word choice emphasizes key words
-         Play around with rhythm and internal rhyme to heighten readers’ interest.
-         You may add a maximum of FIVE words to help smooth transitions. Please put these additional words in BOLD font
-         Read aloud as you arrange your words; before you paste the line on the page, perhaps read it aloud to a friend. 
-         Is there a better title than “found poem”?  If so, add it as your poem’s title.
-         Finally, at the bottom of the page, cite your source.  Always give credit where credit is due! 

Step 6

Print out your poem when you finish.  If you do not finish, save and send to your email so that you can finish at home tonight and bring the final product with you to class tomorrow. 

Sample Found Poem

Please format your paper as shown below:

Original Passage: 118 Words

Today was a good day.
I went out.
I was seen.
I would walk the earth over and over in this condition with Hunchie,
if I could go with my Mom and Lucy (and Betsy).
We went to Whole Foods and bought salmon for dinner.
Mr. Nielson grilled it up and everyone dined on fresh delicious fillets for dinner.

Mr. Nielson lay in bed with the children down the hall.
Lucy put Betsy down for the night and we talked about life last year and how totally different it is this year. Lucy read me a little bit from her journal. Last year my hair was buzzed, I was frightfully skinny and my baby was calling Lucy "Mom".


My Found Poem: 42 Words

Last Year

Today was a good day.
I went, was seen,
walked the earth over,
and dined.

With the children down the hall,
Mr. Nielson and I talked about life last year,
when I was frightfully skinny
and my baby was calling Lucy, "Mom".

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Periods 2, 3, and 12: Act IV Worksheet

Act IV, Scene iii

Malcolm and MacDuff

  1. Choose a word to describe Malcolm’s attitude toward MacDuff at the beginning of the scene (lines 1-20).

  1. How does Malcolm test MacDuff’s loyalty to Scotland in this scene? 

  1. Malcolm claims to be more inherently evil than Macbeth.  List three examples of heinous personality traits Malcolm claims to possess:


  1. After listening to all of Malcolm’s claims and attempting to come to an agreement, MacDuff finally has enough and reacts strongly.  What does he say? (lines 100-114)

  1. Once he realizes he can trust MacDuff, what good news does Malcolm reveal in regard to his preparation to fight Macbeth?  (130-137)

  1. How does Malcolm differ from his father, King Duncan?

7. How does playing Apples to Apples apply to this particular scene?  How does the connection between what is written on a “green card” and what is written on a “red card” differ amongst the members of the group playing the game?  Please respond to these questions in paragraph form below:

Period 4: As Simple As Snow

A Perfect Sonnet
by Bright Eyes

Lately I've been wishing I had one desire
Something that would make me never want another
Something that would make it so that nothing matters
All would be clear then

But I guess I'll have to settle for a few brief moments
And watch it all dissolve into a single second
Try to write it down into a perfect sonnet
Or one foolish line

'Cause that's all, that you'll get, so you'll have to accept
You are here, then you're gone
But I believe that lovers should be tied together
Thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather
Left there to drown
Left there to drown
In their innocence

But as for me I'm coming to the final chapter
I read all of the pages and there's still no answer
Only all that was before I know must soon come after
That's the only way it can be

So I stand, in the sun
And I breathe, with my lungs
Trying to spare me the weight of the truth.
Saying everything you've ever seen was just a mirror
Spent your whole life sweating in an endless fever
Now you're laying in a bathtub full of freezing water
Wishing you were a ghost

But once you knew a girl and you named her lover
Danced with her in kitchens through the greenest summer
Autumn came she disappeared
You can't remember where she said she was going to

But you know, that she is gone, 'cause she left you a song
That you don't, want to sing
Singing I believe that lovers should be chained together
Thrown into a fire with their songs and letters
Left there to burn
Left there to burn
In their arrogance

But as for me I'm coming to my final failure
Killed myself with changes trying to make things better
Ended up becoming something other than what I had planned to be

Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers
And laid entwined together on a bed of clover
Left there to sleep
Left there to dream of their happiness

ASSIGNMENT: Respond in 2 organized paragraphs.

As you’ve now discovered, ASAS lacks a traditional resolution for its reader however the Narrator receives one – what is it?

How does this song represent the narrator’s experience in As Simple As Snow? How is the narrator changed because of his relationship with Anna?